Our simple Online Application process makes pre-approval possible in 24 hours
One Manageable Monthly Payment at fixed Interest rates over terms you can afford.
Installments are repaid over terms that will suit your pocket.
One installment means that you know how much you will be repaying each month.
More money available monthly for living expenses, entertainment, savings and investment.
We offer a wide range of Credit Solutions to suit many financial situations.
Contact us Today for a Credit Solution that will best fit your specific needs.

Credit Solutions When You Need Them Most
Credit Solution 1: DEBT COUNSELLING
One of the many Debt Solutions we offer is Debt Counselling. This solution helps ease your financial stress and address your financial concerns. A financial wellness plan is developed that is not only approved by your Credit Providers, but also reduces your monthly debt repayment quite substantially. This is done by consolidating all your debt into one manageable installment at lower interest rates.

Debt Counselling, or Credit Counsellingwas setup by the National Credit Regulator and Credit Providers, when the need arose to assist consumers who had become over-indebted due to the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.
This is a legal process whereby you and your Credit Providers come together through a Debt Counsellor. All parties concerned then collaborate on a new affordable repayment plan in which your current contractual obligations are renegotiated. The new contract reduces your monthly installment by extending payment terms up to 60 months and reducing interest rates to as low as 5-10%.
Multiple Credit Provider payments are consolidated into one payment which is then paid to a Payment Distribution Agency. This Agency is also setup by the National Credit Regulator to distribute the consolidated payment to each Credit Provider in line with the new re-negotiated contracts.
With a Negociate Credit Solution’s Debt Management Plan, you can look forward to a simple, fast approach in which a new lower installment can be made before your next installment is due. We have been doing this for a very long time and have built up great relationships with all registered Credit Providers in SA.
Since this process allows you and the Credit Providers to work together successfully, you can also look forward to being granted credit again once the process is completed.
Want to know more about Debt Counselling?
Speak to our Debt Counselling Department about your current financial situation. Let us conduct a free, no obligation Financial assessment to determine what your new installment will be. You will also receive a copy of your credit report and a detailed assessment of how the process works. This is our pre-qualification process.
The Debt Review Application Form to start the process will only be sent to you once you understand fully how the Debt Counselling Process works and only after we have answered all questions to your satisfaction.
There are no upfront costs or charges with Debt Counselling and so you have nothing to lose by making an informed inquiry, which can only improve your financial well-being.
Credit Solution 2: DEBT REVIEW
What if Reducing your Installments and Interest rates, could Help you live a Better Life, even when you are not Credit-Worthy?
Stop the Chaos with Debt Review and Switch to a Simple, Affordable way of paying off Debt. We'll Help You do that.
Debt review, also known as Debt Counselling, is a legal process that requires a registered Debt Counsellor to assess your current financial situation. Debt Counsellors then apply legal guidelines to negotiate lower interest rates and installments as well as longer terms.
Credit Providers are also required to accept these new re-negotiated contracts, placed under Debt review, as long as they are drafted within the legal guidelines.
The National Credit Act (NCA) introduced Debt review in 2007 and while there were teething problems to begin with, today this process is as good as it is going to get where debt consolidation is concerned.
The process is ideal for Employed South Africans who are struggling to make ends meet and are starting to fall behind, or who are already in arrears with debt repayments.
If you are over-indebted, you can approach a Debt Counsellor to assist you with this process. The Debt Counsellor you choose must be registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR). You can contact the
You not only benefit from Lower Monthly Installments with Debt Review, but also Lower Interest Rates and Extended Terms. Another great benefit of Debt Review is that all Fees are included in your Monthly Installment. There are no Out of Pocket Costs involved in this process.
You pay One Consolidated Installment monthly for all of your Debt and Credit Providers will stop harassing you for payment arrangements.
Want to know more about Debt Review?
Let us conduct a free, no obligation Debt Review Assessment to determine if you qualify. You will receive a copy of your credit report and a detailed assessment of how the process works. This is our pre-qualification process.
The Debt Counselling Form to start Debt Review will only be sent to you once you understand fully how the process works and only after we have answered all questions to your satisfaction.
There are no upfront costs or charges with a Debt Review Assessment and so you have nothing to lose by making an informed inquiry, which can only improve your financial well-being.

Voluntary Sequestration is a High Court application that legally allows you to walk away from 75% of your debt. If you do not own assets then you can pay the 25% in cash over a negotiated period.

Voluntary Sequestration allows you to make a fresh financial start, giving you the opportunity to put money away towards your future instead of wasting it on debt that has been handed over to attorneys.
When you are unable to service debt that has been handed over to collection agencies, interest and legal fee charges keep growing. The result is that you will not come out of this vicious cycle of debt and are unable to grow financially due to its overwhelming effect.
When you choose to Sequestrate or Voluntarily Surrender your estate your Credit Report is also cleared after 24 - 36 months. Unlike with Debt Review where is can take 60-84 months before your Credit Report is cleared and you become credit worthy again.
The other interesting fact is that any SARS penalties are also written off as part of your Voluntary Sequestration and you are issued with a new tax number.
Voluntary Sequestration is perfect if the following applies to you:
You have tried Debt Review and were unable to keep up with the payments or are currently finding that the lower installment under Debt Review is still not assisting enough financially each month.
Your expenses exceed your income.
You have shortfalls on assets that have been repossessed, like Vehicles and Home Loans. These shortfalls must be paid back, even though you no longer possess the asset. WIth Voluntary Sequestration the shortfalls are also written off.
Credit Providers have obtained judgements against you.
You have an emolument attachment (garnishee order) on your salary each month.
You are more than 3-6 months in areears with debt.
You credit score is low and you have late payments and negative listings on your credit report.
Credit Solution 4: DEBT MANAGEMENT
Negociate Credit Solutions is a leader in the provision of Debt Management and we have a comprehensive list of Debt solutions that can assist you with your specific financial needs. We are a one stop Debt solutions shop.
Few people actively seek to get into debt. This generally happens when you spend money you don’t have or can’t realistically pay back. This expenditure could have occurred for frivolous reasons or due to a change in circumstance i.e. a spouse/partner dying, personal illness, divorce or losing your job.
However good or bad your reason, the most important thing you can do is get a grip on your spending. The prime aim of Negociate Credit Solutions is to cut the cost of your debt and to provide Debt Help. Your job is to take a hard and fast look at your spending habits and nip bad ones in the bud.
Want to know more about our Debt Management Solutions?
Let us conduct a free of charge, no obligation Debt Management Assessment to determine what Debt Help solutions will be work for you. You will receive a copy of your Credit Report and a detailed Debt Management Assessment including the costs and conditions of the solution.
The Application Form will only be sent to you once you understand fully how your Debt Help Solution works and only after we have answered all questions to your satisfaction.
There are no upfront costs or charges and so you have nothing to lose by making an informed inquiry about Debt Management and what it can do for you. This will only improve your current financial well-being.

Credit Solution 5: Credit Score & Credit Report
Your Credit Score is a number from 0 to 999 and is calculated by using all the details in your credit profile. Every time you apply for credit or submit an application to obtain your Credit Report, your latest score will be calculated. Your Credit Score can usually be found on your Credit Report and is an indication of how you manage the credit you have obtained over time.

All Credit Providers, Service Providers and financial institutions will take your Credit Score into account before offering you a loan or other financial products.
Your Credit Score matters because it reflects how healthy your financial decisions are. Checking your Credit Report regularly means you are able to see how healthy your Credit Score is and also gives you the opportunity to follow up on your accounts if you think that your Credit Report does not accurately represent your financial health.
It is important to dispute any inaccuracies on your Credit Report that may be affecting your Credit Score. Once a dispute is lodged and the error corrected, your Credit Score will improve.
For responsible financial planning you should take a look at your Credit Report every month. Each Credit Bureau has an annual subscription to do this. We have an annual subscription where you can get a look at your Credit Report and Credit Score from 4 different Credit Bureaus - all in one report.
Want to know more? Receive your first Credit Report free. If you like what you see you can subscribe to get your Credit Report every month using one of our subscriptions to help you get on top of your credit health all year round.


Personalised service means that you get the best offer based on your current needs, with lower fees at competitive interest rates.
Choose a term that you'll be in a position to repay even in months where there are unforeseen expenses.
By doing this you can be assured of debt success.
So what are you waiting for?
Take these easy steps to become debt free.